There is no higher priority for Goddess Brows and Microblading than the health and well-being of the customers, students and providers. The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been a matter of real concern and focus. As we cautiously begin the process of reopening and transitioning into this "new normal" the SNHD has assisted in providing guidelines to put in place in a effort to reduce transmission and maintain safety and well being for not only provider but clients as well.
The following information is based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance and public health principals to help facilities open in a safe manner. These guidelines are intended for the initial phase of reopening the economy and are subject to change depending on how the outbreak progresses.
Take steps to reduce transmission among employees
Contact employees to determine a schedule for preparing your business for operation. The Health District’s “COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire for Employees” may be used to screen employees by phone. Employees who answered yes to any of the questions should not be allowed to work until symptoms are resolved and the CDC’s guidelines on “What to Do if You Are Sick” are followed. Keep a record of employee screening using the Health District’s Employee Illness Log.
Employees who have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath should not be allowed to work until symptoms have resolved and they meet the criteria provided in the CDC’s guidelines on “What to Do if You Are Sick.” Information about when they can return to work can be found as well.
Consider offering paid sick leave to all employees to encourage them to stay home when sick.
Educate employees on how they can reduce the spread of COVID-19
Employees can take steps to protect themselves. Refer to CDC’s “How to Protect Yourself & Others” for tips.
Clean and disinfect high-touch objects and surfaces following the CDC recommendations “Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility.”
Employees should avoid using other employees’ equipment. If shared equipment is necessary, the surfaces of the equipment should be cleaned and disinfected as recommended in “Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility” between uses.
Check the expiration dates of single-use or autoclaved equipment. Properly dispose of any single-use equipment that is past its expiration date. Adequately reprocess any reusable equipment that needs to be autoclaved.
Maintaining healthy business operations and work environment
Consider scheduling appointments so that people do not congregate at your facility. Only people consulting with an artist or are having work done should be in the establishment.
Verify equipment is ready for operation and working properly.
Check to make sure that the hot water system is working and providing water that is at least 120°F.
Support education on coughing and sneezing etiquette along with frequent hand washing for employees and customers.
Provide tissue and no touch disposal receptacles.
Use a face covering as recommended by the governor on April 3, 2020: “Guidance on Improvised Facial Coverings.” The CDC has information on how to “Use Face Coverings to Slow the Spread of COVID.”
Place educational posters that encourage hand hygiene and other control measures.
Discourage handshaking and other contact greetings.
Prior to reopening, cleaning with soap and water to remove soil accumulation will work for most surfaces.
After opening, routinely clean and disinfect high touch surfaces using a disinfectant that is on the EPA List N. Apply the disinfectant following the directions on the label.
Perform enhanced cleaning and disinfection after persons suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 have been in the facility using the CDC “Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility” guidelines. All areas where the ill person worked or visited need to be cleaned and disinfected.
For Clients
Require use of a face covering as recommended by the governor on April 3, 2020: “Guidance on Improvised Facial Coverings."
Consider screening customers with guiding questions about any symptoms. An example of a question is, “Do you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath.” Customers who answer “yes” to any of these questions should be asked to visit your business another time and to seek medical care.
Consider screening customers for fever using a non-contact thermometer. Customers with a temperature of 100.4˚F should be asked to visit your business another time and to seek medical care if needed.
Revisit what type of services you will offer customers.
Consider a soft open that would allow you to start with basic service and increase to full operation over a period of weeks. Take steps to prevent other diseases
Flush each of the hot and cold water fixtures for five minutes prior to reopening your facility to replace the stale water in the facility’s plumbing with a fresh and safe supply from your water purveyor.
Apprentice Time If you have an apprentice, their six months training will be extended by the number of days that the Governor’s order lasted. If you have a question about how a new apprentice can apply for a card, please send an e-mail to the address below.
If you have any questions on this guidance document, please contact